Minimum Door Leaf Width. For purposes of determining minimum door opening width, the clear width in accordance with shall be used, unless door leaf width is specified. Door openings in means of egress shall be not lessthan 32 in. (810 mm) in clear width, except under any of the following conditions:
(1) Where a pair of door leaves is provided, one door leaf shall provide not less than a 32 in. (810 mm) clear width opening.
(2)* Exit access door assemblies serving a room not exceeding 70 ft2 (6.5 m2) and not required to be accessible to persons with severe mobility impairments shall be not less than 24 in. (610 mm) in door leaf width.
(3)* Door openings serving a building or portion thereof not required to be accessible to persons with severe mobility impairments shall be permitted to be 28 in. (710 mm) indoor leaf width.
(4) In existing buildings, the existing door leaf width shall benot less than 28 in. (710 mm).
(5) Door openings in detention and correctional occupancies, as otherwise provided in Chapters 22 and 23, shall not be required to comply with
(6) Interior door openings in dwelling units as otherwise provided in Chapter 24 shall not be required to comply with
(7) A power-operated door leaf located within a two-leaf opening shall be exempt from the minimum 32 in.(810 mm) single-leaf requirement in accordance with7.
(8) Revolving door assemblies, as provided in, shall be exempt from the minimum 32 in. (810 mm) width requirement.
(9)* Where a single door opening is provided for discharge from a stairway required to be a minimum of 56 in.(1420 mm) wide in accordance with, and such door assembly serves as the sole means of exit discharge from such stairway, the clear width of the door opening, measured in accordance with, shall be not less than two-thirds the required width of the stairway.