Eryn’s 6th Birthday

Yesterday, 06November is Eryn’s 6th birthday. We decided not to invite anyone and we celebrated her birthday in a simple way, also here are Jerry, Chit and Chyn.

eryns-6th-birthday-11 Eryn and Ryon Posing for their mommy

 eryns-6th-birthday-2 Another Pose

eryns-6th-birthday-3Eryn alone

 eryns-6th-birthday-4The Foods

eryns-6th-birthday-5with their mommy


eryns-6th-birthday-6blowing the candle


eryns-6th-birthday-7After blowing the candles


eryns-6th-birthday-8 I just joined here


eryns-6th-birthday-9opening her gift



looking at the new category

Posted in 2008, Life in Qatar

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